JOIN US as we revisit the Civil Rights Movement in St. Augustine, Florida. In this very special episode, Dr.’s Marvin and Raymond Dunn revisit some of the historic civil rights events that took place in St. Augustine, Florida. Our special “Through Black Eyes: Unfiltered” guests are Mr. Sam Wilkinson and Mr. James Williams, who were teenagers at the time of their involvement, and who participated in some of the events and were arrested as a result their quest for change. Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Williams tell why Dr. Martin Luther King used black children and black college students, in place of adults, to call attention to the injustices practiced in St. Augustine. Their stories of how they were involved in wade-ins, student marches, and chased and beaten by the KKK, gives a unique view “through their eyes” of how just how dangerous those events were then and still are now. This St. Augustine episode also includes the story a motel manager pouring acid in the pool to make blacks get out and how Dr. King convinced numerous white ministers to come to his aid.

Best known as Florida’s oldest city, please join us as we recap this episode from Season 1 to reveal a more in-depth look at St. Augustine’s shameful past.

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